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500 Terry Francois St.
San Francisco, CA 94158

Tel: 123-456-7890
Fax: 123-456-7890

Business Meeting 2
Service Providers

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Policy And Procedures

Technicians Network



Delivering Service  

Every Chipset21 pro is presumed to be a professional of exceptional standards.  Because Each work order may be 

different  depending on which contractor issued the work order. Those aspects are called out in the work order itself, and all 

requirements and rules of engagement should be clear to the pro prior to accepting the work order.


There are also some basic principles that make for more successful service calls. If all pros maintain awareness and a 

commitment to excellence in the following areas, they have substantial potential for success with buyers.


The work order also may contain instructions for parking and security check points.


Service pros are expected to print out and bring with them a printed copy of the PDF version of the work order for each 

service event.


Service pros should have working email addresses and telephone numbers  .

If  a buyer or service pro is deliberately avoiding communications, not returning messages in a timely manner or contact 



Dress Code



Buyers indicate dress code requirements in the work order. Dress code options include:


  • Casual dress: generally reserved for off-hours work orders (service pros are encouraged to exercise caution with casual dress and ensure that 'casual' still reflects professionalism)



  • Industrial dress: may require a hardhat or work boots



  • Business casual: requires dress pants or khakis (no jeans), a collared shirt and nice shoes



  • Business formal: indicates the service pro must dress in a business suit (for men, this includes a tie) and dress shoes


In all cases, service pros are to be dressed professionally and should maintain a clean and well-groomed appearance.

information is incorrect, the party is subject to account closure or the account placed 'on hold'. 



Arriving On Site


When service pros arrive at the service site, it is important to check in and to and/or give the buyer a sub-status update.


The Buyer Contact and method of updating the work order should be printed on the work order, if it is not you should contact


Chipset21 and check in.



Represent the Buyer


For every work order, the service pro represents the buyer when on site. Buyers often indicate on the work order how a service pro should officially present themselves to the end user on site. Most buyers request service pros to indicate that they are a representative of the buyer's company.





Interacting with End User



End users of buyers include consumers with no technical experience, IT departments of leading corporations, retail store managers and many, many other people. Each end user's expectations of the service event will likely vary, and it is the service pro's responsibility to ensure that their expectations are in line with what the buyer has communicated in the work order. To help facilitate a positive experience for the service pro and the end user, all work orders should include the following interactions with the end user:


  • A brief overview of the service to be completed (what will be done & how long it is likely to take)


  • Confirmation that the end user's expectations will be met if the service, as outlined, is completed


  • Updates if anything changes during the process of delivering service


  • A summary of the service that was completed (including obtaining any necessary signatures)


If there are differences in the expectations of the end user and the work order, service pros are encouraged to contact the buyer immediately. If appropriate, the buyer may authorize additional/different work to be completed and, if necessary, may authorize a spend limit increase to compensate the service pro.



Removing Parts


Service pros should not remove any parts or equipment from an end user's site unless directly specified in the work order to do so (e.g., return of swapped parts). Removing equipment from a site without explicit approval of the buyer is prohibited



Receiving and Completing Workers. 



The process of receiving and completing work orders will vary depending upon which Contractor you are working for

However 3 principles remain basically the same. 



Prepairng for Serice,   Delivering Service and Completing Service.

Preparing For Service. 


Careful review and printing of all work order components is the first critical step in delivering exceptional service to buyers and their customers. The work order and its attachments often include important instructions and guidelines that help a pro with the following:


  • Appointment time - does the pro have to schedule or confirm the appointment with the on-site contact?


  • Tools to bring - any special equipment necessary? (this should have been clear in the work order acceptance page, but there may be additional detail in attachments)


  • Work order completion requirements - does the pro have to get paperwork signed by an end user? return parts?


  • Part pickup location - if the work order is a parts swap, the pro may have to pick up the part; or may need to provide their address to have the part shipped to them


  • Representing the buyer - different buyers ask the pros to present themselves in different ways - as a representative of the buyer company, as an independent contractor, etc.


Delivering Service.


Dress Code


Buyers indicate dress code requirements in the work order..


When service pros arrive at the service site, it is important to check in and to and/or give the buyer a sub-status.


Before Leaving the Site


Prior to leaving the site and updating the sub-status of the work order (Job Done, Ready for Payment), service pros should confirm the following: ..


All tasks have been completed, as outlined in the work order


  • All necessary signatures have been obtained


  • Any parts that must be returned have been acquired


  • Any photos or other documentation have been completed


  • End user's copy of the work order has been left with them


Once those steps have been completed, the service pro can leave the site, update the work order sub-status and complete any remaining steps (including parts return or faxing in signed documentation).



Work Order Cancellation


By accepting a work order, service pros and buyers have entered into a contact to perform the services described. Buyers are generally fulfilling their own contractual obligations to deliver service when they route work orders. In an emergency situation, service pros may cancel a work order.  If a service pro cancels a work order, they are strongly encouraged to verbally notify the buyer .  Because cancellations are disruptive to the buyer and their customers, pro cancellations are subject to review.



Work Order Problems


Issues with work orders can, in most cases, be rectified by communicating with the buyer or support contact. Some of the possible circumstances a service pro might face include: …



End User No Show: if there is no one at least 18 years old at the site, the event is considered End User No Show;


Equipment/Parts Not Available.


Scope is Different than Specified in the Work Order. Buyer Unreachable: if, in an emergency, a service pro is having


difficulty reaching the buyer support contact.


Appointment Changes: possible only with agreement from the buyer



Pro should contact Chiset21 in any of the above situations.




Additional Tech /Assistant


If a service pro wants to bring an additional person to assist with the delivery of a work order, the service pro must get approval from the buyer and Chipset21.

It can be possible that the statement of work in the work order differs from what a pro discovers on site.


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